(including, in italics, titles of common translations not in this book)
230 A boy is born in Bethlehem
71 A child is born in Bethlehem
72 A Lamb goes out and bears the shame
72 A Lamb goes uncomplaining forth
70 A mighty fortress is our God
127 Ah, holy Jesu, how hast thou offended
15 All depends on our possessing
13 All glory be to God on high
73 All I need, O Lord, this only
67 All mankind fell in Adam’s fall
12 All men living are but mortal
88 All my heart this night rejoices
239 All praise and honor be on high
90 All praise, O Lord, to you
46 All praise to God Almighty
91 All praise to Thee, Eternal Lord
283 All those whom God protects are safe
19 Almighty God so loved the world
14 Alone in you, Lord Jesus Christ
208 And now another day is past
204 Arise, my soul, now is the time
132 As just a lost and helpless figure
76 Awake, my feeble spirit, wake
22 Awake, my heart, and wake up, you my mind
21 Awake, my heart, with gladness
260 Awake, my heart, with singing
32 Be thou with me
259 Before thy throne I now appear
259 Before your throne I now draw near
127 Beloved Jesus, what were your offenses
20 Beside the streams of Babylon
240 Blessed is that spirit
179 Blessed Jesus, at thy word
76 Break forth, o beauteous heavenly light
237 Bridegroom of my soul
34 Christ is arisen, first out of Death's prison
35 Christ Jesus lay in death's strong chains
159 Christ, the life of all the living
43 Christ the Lord is risen
42 Christ, our Savior and our light
87 Christians, time for celebration
172 Come and let the Lord now show you
200 Come Christians, let us all rejoice
184 Come Christians, let your praises soar
165 Come, God, Creator, Holy Ghost
165 Come Holy Ghost, our souls inspire
167 Come, Holy Spirit, our Lord God
168 Come, Jesus, come
197 Come, let us join our cheerful songs
166 Come, o Holy Spirit
169 Come, sweet death; come, blessed rest
171 Come unto me, says God’s own Son
169 Come, welcome death; come, blessed rest
249 Comfort, comfort now my people
30 Commit your ways and worries
200 Dear Christians, one and all rejoice
177 Dear Lord God, my time is flying
179 Dear Lord Jesus, we are here
178 Dearest Immanuel, prince of your people
179 Dearest Jesus, we are here
235 Deck thyself, my soul, with gladness
255 Do not despair, o little flock
186 Do what you will, dear God, with me
194 Don’t be envious, do not brood
277 Earthly honor, worldly stuff
209 Eternity, you thundrous word
248 Faithful God, I lay before thee
248 Faithful God, to you I’m groaning
94 Father God, be by our side
190 Follow Jesus, come what may
258 From God shall naught divide me
256 From heaven above I come to you
256 From heaven above to earth I come
257 From heaven the host of angels came
256 From highest heaven I come to you
241 From the bottom of our hearts
26 From the depths I cry in need
88 Full of joy my heart is springing
47 Give thanks to God our Lord, for grace and favor
69 Glory be to you, O Christ, who suffered pain
101 God be merciful and gracious to us
97 God gave to us His gospel Word
95 God in your great goodness
99 God is alive
98 God is my comfort and my help
98 God is my strong salvation
99 God liveth still
19 God loved the world so that he gave
164 God never has forsaken
96 God now ascends to heaven
94 God the Father, be our stay
103 God’s own Son came to us
148 Good Christian friends, [/men] rejoice
254 Grant peace we pray, in mercy, Lord
81 Great God, what do I see and hear
233 Guilty sinners, you caused this misery
105 Have you, dear Jesus, now hidden your countenance
274 Heart, let go of all those feelings
107 Help celebrate God’s goodness
131 Help, Lord Jesus, in these hours
130 Help me, O God, to praise you
131 Help us Lord, behold we enter
106 Holy, holy, holy, Lord God of Sabaoth
298 How blest are those, who like a child
289 How bright appears [/lovely shines] the Morning Star
141 I call to you, Lord Jesus Christ
125 I love you Lord, with all my heart
142 I stand beside your manger here
134 I thank you, God, for all the good
136 I thank you, God, through your dear Son
137 I thank you, O Lord God in highest heaven
135 I thank you, my dear Savior
25 I trust my loving God
189 I will never leave my Lord
262 If God had not been on our side
295 If God were not there by our side
284 If you but trust in God to guide you
32 If you’re with me
294 Immanuel, we bring you praise
145 In all that I am trying
23 In Christ's Ascension is my hope
148 In dulci jubilo
140 In God I lay my cares to rest
25 In God, my faithful God
192 In peace and joy I go my way
192 In peace and joy I now depart
193 In the middle of our lives
193 In the midst of earthly life
146 In thee, Lord, have I put my trust
57 In this our happy Christmastide
147 In you is gladness
146 In you, O Lord, I’ve put my trust
247 In your anger, spare me Lord
296 Is God withdrawing? All the cost
80 It is enough; Lord, take my soul to you
187 It’s time to close my eyes: O God, your name be blest
150 Jesus, all your tribulation
163 Jesus Christ, my sure defense
161 Jesus Christ our only Savior
162 Jesus Christ, our Savior God sent
238 Jesus, hail to you, my treasure
163 Jesus is my confidence
154 Jesus, Jesus, you are mine
157 Jesu, joy of our [/man’s] desiring
153 Jesus, life of all my living
159 Jesus, life of all my living
158 Jesus, my own heart’s best friend
156 Jesus, priceless treasure
151 Jesus, you are my soul’s Savior
157 Jesus, you are my soul’s treasure
155 Jesus, you our Savior dear
152 Jesus, you who tasted death
173 Kyrie, God Father in heaven above
176 Leave aside your tears and crying
175 Let fear and pain go far away
123 Let not your anger fall on me
224 Lift up your eyes to Jesus Christ
96 Lo, God to heaven ascenders
236 Look up to thy God again
299 Lord, enter in your doors to me
109 Lord God, we all to thee give praise
109 Lord God we bring you thanks and praise
110 Lord God, we worship thee
110 Lord God, your praise we sing
124 Lord, have your way
290 Lord, how shall I embrace you
212 Lord, I desire to keep your law
174 Lord, I pray you, come and hear me
138 Lord, I rejoice in you
112 Lord, I think about that time
56 Lord is my shepherd, The
114 Lord Jesus Christ, be present now
114 Lord Jesus Christ, come near to us
212 Lord Jesus Christ, God’s only Son
117 Lord Jesus Christ, I cry to you
118 Lord Jesus Christ, I humbly know
1 Lord Jesus Christ stay with us now
116 Lord Jesus Christ, the highest good
108 Lord Jesus Christ, the only, God’s own eternal Son
120 Lord Jesus Christ, true man, true God
1 Lord Jesus Christ, with us abide
115 Lord Jesus Christ, you have prepared
63 Lord Jesus Christ, you Prince of Peace
119 Lord Jesus, light for my life long
217 Lord Jesus, light for my life long
75 Lord, keep us steadfast in thy Word
121 Lord, now let your servant depart in peace
122 Lord, now let your servant, tired of life and weary
111 Lord, open heaven’s door to me
56 Lord's my shepherd, true indeed, The
252 Lord’s Prayer, The
125 Lord, thee I love with all my heart
113 Lord, to you I make confession
188 Magnificat
231 Make of me, God, according to your will
82 Mouth of fools doth God confess, The
49 My comfort is in Jesus Christ
258 My God I'll not abandon
139 My heart and soul belong to God
216 My heart is full of terror and confusion
263 My heart, why be upset again
27 My inmost heart now raises
41 My life, O Christ, is in you
188 My soul magnifies the Lord my Savior
205 My soul, now praise your Maker
31 My troubled heart, be of good cheer
293 Nicene Creed, The
59 Nightfall is coming
247 Not in anger, mighty God
207 Now all the woods are resting
92 Now be contented and seek stillness
59 Now God be with us
243 Now Jesus, you go to your fate
197 Now let us all bring thanks and praise
77 Now let us greet this marvelous day
244 Now must you say, Lord Jesus, your farewell
40 Now praise we Christ, the holy One
198 Now thank we all our God
208 Now that the day has reached its end
207 Now woods and fields are sleeping
121 Nunc dimittis
[O, see also Oh]
226 O almighty Father, our God
38 O Christ, defender of your congregation
39 O Christ, the Lamb of God
40 O Christ, to you all praise be done
33 O Christ who makes the day shine bright
37 O Christ, you are both day and light
273 O come, my soul, why do you fret with sadness
225 O darkest woe! Tears, overflow
127 O dearest Jesus, what law hast thou broken
299 O enter, Lord, thy temple
53 O Father Almighty, we praise your great glory
102 O Father, send your Spirit now
74 O God, be merciful to me
5 O God, look down from heaven and see
93 O God of Light, each day arise
210 O God, my faithful God
232 O God, see how my enemies
100 O God, we praise you, bless you
270 O God, what you ordain is right
29 O gracious Father, mighty God
57 O happy day of Jesus' birth
211 O Holy Spirit, comfort, advice
196 O Holy Spirit, we pray to you
218 O Jesus, bridegroom of my heart
220 O Jesus, how your sacred form
219 O Jesus, my desire
221 O Jesus, you dear and gracious child
222 O Lamb of God, most holy
222 O Lamb of God, who, sinless
271 O let my Father’s will be done
89 O let our joy be ringing
221 O little one sweet, o little one mild
173 O Lord God, Father in eternity
141 O Lord my God, I cry to thee
215 O Lord my God, your holy Word
133 O Lord, you hold me in your might
223 O man, bewail your grievous sin
64 O Man of Sorrows, you were by the Father offered
85 O may the Lord grant us his grace
225 O misery, o heartfelt grief
289 O Morning Star, in beauty bright [/how fair and bright]
286 O my mind, rejoice; bear witness
86 O my soul, in celebration
214 O sacred head, now wounded
229 O we poor sinners, what is it we've done
251 O world, I want to leave you
210 O you most faithful God
4 Oh God and Lord
2 Oh God, please listen to my sighs and pleading
6 Oh God, what heartbreak is my load
228 Oh, how blest are you whose toils are ended
11 Oh how fleeting, how defeating
89 Oh let our joy be ringing
290 Oh Lord, how shall I meet you
7 Oh Lord, in your displeasure
66 Oh, this world is like a castle
48 Old year now has passed away, The
103 Once He came in blessing
252 Our Father in eternity
252 Our Father, thou in heaven above
203 Our God and Master praising
70 Our God is a secure defense
83 Our guardian angels worship
28 Out of the depths I cry to you
254 Peace in our time we ask, O Lord
180 Praise be to our Almighty God
91 Praise be to you, Lord Jesus Christ
109 Praise God, from whom all blessings flow
104 Praise God, my life is nearly ending
183 Praise God the Lord, our Master
184 Praise God the Lord, Ye Sons of Men
181 Praise to the Lord, the Almighty, the King of creation
75 Protect us with your scriptures, Lord
199 Rejoice, you children of our God
253 Remember me, remember me
195 Remove from us, O faithful God
24 Rise, my heart, and greet the day
185 Rise, my soul, to watch and pray
236 Rise up to your God, my soul
79 Salvation for us has arrived
79 Salvation unto us is come
201 Savior of the nations, come
84 See, the Day of Judgment is approaching
227 See, world, thy life assailed
246 Should I be forever singing
242 Sing a new song to the Lord
144 Sing, you stars, you winds, rejoicing
261 Sleepers wake, a voice astounds us
245 So speaks our God: by my own breath
235 Soul, adorn yourself with graces
195 Spare us, O faithful God, we pray
8 Take heart, beloved Christians all
110 Te Deum
61 Ten Commandments, The
81 The day is surely drawing near
58 The Holy Spirit's mercy came
191 The last season of my life
56 The Lord’s my shepherd and my rock
56 The Lord's my shepherd, true indeed
82 The mouths of fools recite their creeds
50 The newborn child we celebrate
48 The old year now has passed away
60 The sun has set, in brilliant glow descended
17 The very night he was betrayed
271 The will of God is always best
20 There by the streams of Babylon
61 These are the holy ten commands
54 Think on this, o human children
282 Those who trust God have built a house
[Thou - see also You]
159 Thousand, thousand thanks are due [refrain]
67 Through Adam's fall things fell apart
243 Thy Cross, o Jesus, thou didst bear
13 To God alone on high be praise
182 To God be praises, for his mercy to us
51 To God the Father, Spirit, Son
160 To Jesus praise be given
36 To Jordan's bank Lord Jesus went
62 To you, Jehovah, I am singing
250 Today for us a Child is born
78 Today is risen Christ the Lord
128 Today, o people, is a mournful day
129 Today's the triumph of God's Son
213 Tremendous God of power
261 Wake, awake, for night is flying
293 We all believe in one true God
293 We all believe in the one and only God
291 We Christian folk now all rejoice
291 We Christians may rejoice today
202 We lay this body now to rest
196 We now implore God the Holy Ghost
206 We praise the mercy of our most loving God
292 We thank you, Jesus Christ our Lord
12 We will all one day be dying
223 Weep for your awful sin, o man
265 What all the wisdom in the world
10 What can I, a poor sinner
270 What God does always is the best
268 What is the world to me
234 What is this miracle we see
269 What makes you, evil Herod, fear
9 What’s the point of death, indeed
288 When and where will I be able
18 When forty days since Easter's end
280 When I arrive at my last day
278 When ill misfortune comes your way
279 When in distress I lift my eyes to you on high
281 When in our hour of utmost need
45 When Jesus hung upon the cross
280 When my last hour is close at hand
45 When on the cross the Savior hung
16 When our most loving God
44 When to the table Jesus came
281 When we are in profound distress
170 When will we see, O Lord, your promised coming
297 Where can I run away
149 While God is with me on my way
285 Who knows how soon my end is coming
285 Who knows when Death may overtake me
266 Why are you cast down within me
272 Why are you now so troubled
287 Why are you troubled, my soul, and so downcast
269 Why, Herod, unrelenting foe
267 Why, o my soul, are you so sad and weary
264 Why should sorrow overcome me
126 With all my heart I’m longing
275 World, adieu; I'm weary of you
275 World, farewell, of thee I’m tired
227 World, see the cross, what’s found there
276 World, you can rant and rave forever
143 You chosen Christian people
65 You Prince of Life, Lord Jesus Christ
55 You who are three in unity
68 Your prison, Lord, has paid the price
52 Your will be done
300 Zion cries with pain and suffers